Asian parents and doctors

Love Lab > Matchmaking
Apr 7 '19 | By Admin | Views: 1899 | Comments: 0
Asian parents and doctors

Do you sometimes feel like your parents jump on the first doctor who comes through the door? And I don’t mean to describe their bodily symptoms and the aches and pains they have which is likely to be psychosomatic because their youngest daughter isn’t married off yet?! They show you a picture and you’re thinking, ‘NO WAY! He really isn’t my type! I’m not even attracted to him. Not in the slightest’.


Wouldn’t the world be a different place if your parents had access to a large pool of doctors, pilots or accountants?

Your family are going to look, give them the best chance to find someone who is right for you. Set up your family profile via website or web-app on

More importantly, you’ll be involved in the process to express your thoughts without even having to be face-to-face with your parents?(just like the one above)

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